1 | 官方的中国日报今天报导,人大外事委员会主任委员曾建徽说:"我们希望邀请他们,以便他们能从不同观点审视中国和化解他们对有关中国的任何误解。" | The official China Daily reported today that Chief of the NPC’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Zeng Jianhui, said: "We hope to invite them to enable them to view China from different perspective to defuse their any misunderstanding about China." | |
2 | 国防、外交等国家行为 | Acts of the state in areas like national defence and foreign affairs | |
3 | 国务卿掌理外交事务。 | The Secretary of State administers foreign affairs . | |
4 | 她的诞生是上海旅游行业较早期的一批高档涉外酒店之一,更开创了中国团办企业的先河,成为上海青年与世界青年交流的窗口和桥梁。 | He is one of the earliest deluxe hotels concerning foreign affairs in the tourism industry of Shanghai. Her birth took the initiative in Chinese Youth League’s founding enterprises. She has become a window and a bridge for the communications between young people of Shanghai and young people of the world. | |
5 | 她在外交部当译员,开始了她的外交生涯。 | She began her diplomatic career as a translator at the Ministry of Foreign affairs | |
6 | 今天,贵国外交部国际研究中心邀请我到这里发表演讲,我感到很荣幸 | I am honored to be here and address you today at the invitation of the International Studies Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country | |
7 | 经济、政治、科技、教育、文化、军事、外交等各个方面都有明确的方针和政策,而且有准确的表述语言。 | Clear-cut guidelines and policies concerning economic and political affairs, science and technology, education, culture and military and foreign affairs have been worked out and expressed in precise terms. | |
8 | 黎巴嫩和被占领土境内非常措施基金(黎巴嫩和被占领土基金) | Extraordinary Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Conference | |
9 | 列入附件三的法律应限于有关国防、外交和其他依照本法规定不属于澳门特别行政区自治范围的法律。 | Laws listed in Annex III to this Law shall be confined to those relating to defense and foreign affairs as well as other matters outside the limits of the autonomy of the Region as specified by this Law. | |
10 | 美国麻省理工学院教授及著名的经济学家克鲁格曼,曾于1994年在《外交事务》发表一篇名为《亚洲奇迹的神话》的文章。 | MIT Economics Professor Paul Krugman wrote an article "The Myth of Asia’s Miracle" published in Foreign Affairs in 1994. | |
11 | 美国政府受委托全权处理外交事务。 | To the Government of the United States has been intrusted the exclusive management of our foreign affairs | |
12 | 内务(外交)部长 | Minister for Home (Foreign)Affairs | |
13 | 那么,能源将再也不会是战争的一个祸根,再也不会影响外交事务了。 | Then, the source of energy will cease to be a reason for war or an influence on foreign affairs . | |
14 | 你在《外交事务》的文章里指出,亚洲的增长基本上是大量投资造成,但这个增长为什么能够持续这么久--接近30年? | In your Foreign Affairs article, you argued that Asia’s growth could be basically explained by high rates of investment. But how did that growth manage to be sustained for so long--close on 30 years? | |
15 | 批准书由中华人民共和国主席签署,外交部长副署。 | The instrument of ratification shall be signed by the President of P.R.C.and countersigned by the Minister of Foreign Affairs . | |
16 | 商务部、外交部关于发布《对外投资国别产业导向目录(一)》的通知 | Circular of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, on Issuing the Guiding Directory (1)in Country and Industry for China’s FDI | |
17 | 商务部、外交部关于印发《简化机电产品生产和出口企业人员出国(境)审批办法》的通知 | Circular of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, on Simplifying the Measures on Approving the Exit Procedures for Personnel of Enterprises Producing and Exporting Electro-mechanical Products | |
18 | 他从来没有想到为什么人们竟然为了这些讨厌的外交事务而操心。 | He had never understood why people should worry about all these bothersome foreign affairs | |
19 | 他说:“新闻媒体即使是就外交事务坦率陈述自己的观点时也有责任保持适度节制的调子和尊重态度,这是每一个自称为公众舆论导向的人都须做到的。” | "It is incumbent on the Press", he said, "to maintain that tone of moderation and respect even in expressing frankly their opinions on foreign affairs which would be required of every man who pretends to guide public opinion." | |
20 | 他在外交领域作出了卓越贡献。 | He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs . | |
21 | 他正在考虑该怎样去和外交部接洽。 | He’s thinking how he should approach the Ministry of Foreign affairs . | |
22 | 它与世界上其它国家隔膜很深,竟迟至1858年才建立一个主管外交事务的机构。 | So out of tune with the world of nation-states was China that it did not even possess a ministry of foreign affairs until as late as 1858 | |
23 | 外国人应持有(1)本人护照或其它身份、国籍证件。(2)公安机关签发的《外国人居留证》。或外事部门颁发的身份证件,或临时来华的入境、居留证件. | " A foreigner shall hold ( 1)the applicant’ s passport or other documents certifying his/her identity and citizenship; ( 2)""Residence Permit for Foreigners"" signed and issued by the public security department, or identification certificate issued by foreign affairs department, or entry permit and residence permit for foreigners who come to China for a short stay;" | |
24 | 外交部长授权签署 | For the Minister of Foreign Affairs | |
25 | 外交部长已经跟美国总统就此事件交换过意见了. | The Minister for Foreign affairs has already communicated on this event with the american President. | |
26 | 外交事务顾问 | An adviser on foreign affairs | |
27 | 外交事务是他的特长。 | Foreign affairs are his strong point. | |
28 | 我们将外交控制权授予联邦政府。 | We delegated the control of foreign affairs to the federal government | |
29 | 我们走过了很不平凡的历程,在改革发展稳定、内政外交国防、治党治国治军各方面都取得了巨大成就。 | we have traversed an extraordinary course and scored tremendous achievements in reform, development and stability, domestic and foreign affairs and national defense and in running the Party, state and army. | |
30 | 乌外交部发言人22日说,选举国家最高立法机关和地方立法机关的代表纯粹是乌克兰人民自己的事情。 | "The election of legislators for Ukrainian supreme and local legislative institutions is purely an internal affair of Ukraine", the spokesman for Ukrainian Foreign Affairs said on March 22 |